Certificate in International Business English (CEFR-B2)
Synergy International Academy
A Certificate in International Business English (CEFR-B2) demonstrates upper-intermediate English proficiency for business contexts, including effective communication, professional writing, business vocabulary, and confident interaction in workplace settings.
Synergy International Academy
Course Name:
Certificate in International Business English (CEFR-B2)
Registration Fee:
£ 250.00 (Non-Refundable)
Tuition Fees:
£ 4,500.00 (Refundable)
Course Duration:
9 Months
April, August & January
Course Content
Candidates interested in taking the I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) may include those:
- needing a starting point in order to work towards a qualification in English.
- Working or seeking work in an English speaking environment.
- Living and working in a country where the native and official language is English.
Candidates who take I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) are made up of a range of different national and cultural backgrounds.
I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) has been designed to reflect the wide variation in candidates’ origins, levels of education and career aims. Progression opportunities may, therefore, take a variety of paths. Depending on the level of qualification achieved, it may be appropriate for the candidate to progress to:
• A higher level of any ESOL International qualification – E .g. Level 2 ESOL qualification
• A key skills or functional skills qualification
• Vocational qualifications
• Access to Higher Education
Please refer to I-RN Recognition of Prior Learning Policy which is available on I-RN website.
I-RN aims to use English that is plain, clear, free from bias and appropriate to all candidates. I-RN will ensure the assessment materials, stimuli and the assessment itself is carried out in English.
I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is based on the CEFR in that it reflects the level(s) of language ability which are as defined by the CEFR. I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is a single unit qualification. Candidates are assessed in all four components of reading, listening, writing and speaking. The total qualification time are 256 hours for this qualification. The breakdown of total qualification time (as below):
Guided learning hours (GLH) | 200 | |
Self study (SS) | 50 | |
Formative Assessment | 3 hours 14 minutes | Total Assessment Time (TAT) 6 hours |
Summative Assessment | 2 hours 46 minutes | |
Total Qualification Time | 256 Hours (GLH+SS+TAT) |
I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is a four language skills qualification which assesses four sub skills of the English language: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. References to the CEFR are made in the I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) Mark Scheme in order to demonstrate linkage between the qualification construct and CEFR. The information below is a breakdown of I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) qualification features.
Section | Tasks and Functions |
Section 1 | Introduction based on familiar topics. The examiner asks candidates questions about themselves- 2 to 3 minutes |
Section 2 | Topic presentation (1 minute) based on a prepared topic followed by a comment and brief conversation- 6 to 7 minutes |
Section 3 | Longer turn in response to Examiner’s follow-up questions- 6 minutes |
Skilled Test | Express statements of fact Give factual accounts and explanations Give personal information Present information and ideas in a logical sequence Include detail and develop ideas where appropriate Take part in social interaction Express, and ask about, feelings, likes/dislikes, viewpoints and opinions Give an account/narrate events in the past Relate to other speakers Involve other people in a discussion |
Section | Tasks and Functions |
Section 1 | Introduction based on familiar topics. The examiner asks candidates questions about themselves- 2 to 3 minutes |
Section 2 | Topic presentation (1 minute) based on a prepared topic followed by a comment and brief conversation- 6 to 7 minutes |
Section 3 | Longer turn in response to Examiner’s follow-up questions- 6 minutes |
Skilled Test | Express statements of fact Give factual accounts and explanations Give personal information Present information and ideas in a logical sequence Include detail and develop ideas where appropriate Take part in social interaction Express, and ask about, feelings, likes/dislikes, viewpoints and opinions Give an account/narrate events in the past Relate to other speakers Involve other people in a discussion |
Section | Tasks and Functions |
Section 1 | Informal letter/e-mail (e.g. “invitation to a party”) (100-120 words) |
Section 2 | Choose ONE topic from three: informal correspondence, creative story and essay. 120-170 words |
Skilled Test | apply appropriate planning strategies select how much to write and the level of detail to include structure texts sequentially and coherently select format and appropriate structure for different purposes use proof-reading to revise writing, on paper and on screen, for general meaning and accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation write using complex sentences use sentence grammar accurately to achieve purpose use punctuation to aid clarity and meaning apply knowledge about words to aid accurate spelling |
Section | Tasks and Functions |
Section 1 | 9 short conversations (multiple choice out of 3) |
Section 2 | 4 longer conversations (multiple choice out of 3) |
Skilled Test | extract information from texts of varying length; listen for grammatical and phonological detail; listen for gist and specific information; recognise a variety of feelings and viewpoints expressed by a speaker. |
Reading and Use of English:
Duration: 30 minutes I Number of Questions: 20
Section | Tasks and Functions |
Section 1 & 2 | 3 texts (multiple choice out of 3), 20 questions. |
Section 3 & 4 | Use of English (cloze test/multiple choice out of 3), 20 questions. |
Skilled Test | extract the main points and ideas, and predict words from context use skimming, scanning and detailed reading in different ways for different purposes use implicit and explicit grammatical knowledge, along with own knowledge and experience to predict meaning, try out plausible meanings and to read and check for sense recognise and understand the vocabulary associated with different types of text, using appropriate strategies to work out meaning recognise and understand an increasing range of vocabulary, applying knowledge of word structure, related words, word roots, derivations and borrowings |
CEFR Global Scale
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics, which are familiar, or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
The ALTE ‘Can Do’ Project
The CAN do Project has been developed by Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) which offers a framework that covers six levels of language competency that is aligned to the Council of Europe Common European Framework (CEFR) – see Appendix D of the CEFR for more information. The CAN do summary outlines how language candidates can perform and what they can do at each level. They are divided into three areas, Social & Tourism, Work and Study, and are detailed below for CEFR Level B2 and give examples of typical ability.
B2 | Speaking & Listening | Reading | Writing |
CAN follow or give a talk on a familiar topic. CAN keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics. | CAN scan texts for relevant information and understand detailed instructions or advice. | CAN make notes while someone is talking. CAN write a letter including non-standard requests. |
B2 | Speaking & Listening | Reading | Writing |
CAN keep up a conversation on a fairly wide range of topics, such as personal and professional experiences, current news events. | CAN understand detailed information, terms and abbreviations in advertisements. | CAN write most letters on a relevantly varied range such as requesting services or adaptation schedules / services. |
B2 | Speaking & Listening | Reading | Writing |
CAN Take and pass on most message that need to be dealth with promptly Can put his/her point across persuasively when talking. | CAN uderstand most correspondance, reports and factual product like literature. | CAN deal with all routine request for good or services. |
B1 | Speaking & Listening | Reading | Writing |
CAN give a clear presentation on a familiar topic, and answer predictable or factual questions. CAN ask questions, for example for reasons, clarification. | CAN scan texts for relevant information and grasp the main point of the text. CAN understand most visuals that (s)he is likely to come across, but MAY sometimes have difficulty with textual commentary. | CAN make simple notes that will be of reasonable use. |
I-RN trained examiners are allowed to mark the writing and speaking components of
RESULTS the I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2). Marks are allocated for each candidate in accordance with the I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) mark scheme for writing and speaking. The timescales in which I-RN will issue its results is between 4 to 6 weeks (upon receiving the candidate results from the test centre).
The marking of Reading and Listening components of I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) are completed by clerical markers using answer keys for each question paper. To ensure standardisation of each exam, the Reading and Listening clerical markers completed induction training followed by standardisation exercises prior to each paper (where required).
Results are then moderated by the moderation team in accordance with I-RN’s moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to the Lead Moderator for final approval.
Speaking examination is conducted by one examiner, trained by I-RN, and is recorded on a dictaphone. Marks are allocated for speaking and writing skill to each candidate in accordance with the I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) mark scheme. I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is 100% externally assessed by an I-RN examiner.
Speaking sub skill are assessed in pairs, where there are odd number of registered candidate, the dummy candidate will be use as a pair candidate.
Candidate will receive pre-released speaking topics 5 working days prior to exam from their centre.
Results are then moderated by the moderation team in accordance with I-RN’s moderation policy. Moderated results are then forwarded to the Lead Moderator for final approval.
- Each Reading question carries 0.5 marks (40 questions)
- Each Listening question carries 1 mark (20 questions)
- Writing is based on 2 questions each carries a maximum of 10 marks
- Speaking is a three part exam and carries a maximum of 20 marks
For each sub-component candidates will be graded as follows:
- 0-9 = Fail
- 10-12 = Pass
- 13-15 = Merit
- 16+ = Distinction
Results are reported as distinction, merit, pass or fail grades.
Candidates marks for all sub-components will be added together to give an overall grade based on the minimum marks per grade level below:
Minimum Marks Require (overall) | Grades |
0-39 | Fail |
40-51 | Pass |
52-63 | Merit |
64+ | Distinction |
I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) has been designed in line with the Common European Framework for Reference for Languages (CEFR) and follows the principles of reliability and validity through the following steps:
1.Producing quality items to the required standard that measure performance with links to the CEFR.
2.Validating performance through piloting and feeding back into the test development cycle to ensure consistency of items.
The validity of I-RN tests is evaluated in terms of the uses and interpretations of scores. The two main concerns in validation studies are:
1. The uses and their meaning to which scores are put in terms of the latent trait(s) they engage and measure. Several validation frameworks, such as Messick (1989) and Kane (2012), emerge from this. Supporting evidence of validity arguments potentially vary from test to test as every test produced has a unique validity argument.
The following inferences are included, following Kane’s framework (2012):
a. Evaluation – clear and sufficient domain definition and operationalisation.
b. Generalisation – how confidently performance can be extrapolated on the test to a universe of the tasks.
c. Explanation – analogous to conventional construct validity.
d. Accuracy of scores – representing the amount of the latent trait under assessment.
e. Extrapolation – analogous to conventional criterion validity.
f. Accuracy of candidate performance on the test – prediction of performance on similar devices as well as the target language domain.
Tests developed by I-RN are subjected to rigorous data analysis methods in order to ascertain the validity of the uses and interpretations of scores. Consultation is received by a team of experts who assist in undergoing latent trait model analysis on data sets in order to determine the quality of the test.
Evidence yielded from these analyses is used to judge the validity argument of the test.
1 . Delivering examiner training against I-RN Entry Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF Bl), I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2), I-RN Level 2 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF C 1) and I-RN Level 3 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF Q) mark scheme with links to the CEFR.
2. Conducting standardisation and monitoring to ensure consistent interlocutor performance and accurate grading.
3. Carrying out moderation to ensure consistent, accurate and reliable results.
4. The I-RN validation team work with a variety of models relevant to language testing and psycholinguistics. Validation studies for each qualification are produced for every 800 – 1000 responses / grades generated.
*Please visit the I-RN website for further updates on validation and reliability under our Research section.
The duration of I-RN Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International (CEF B2) is 2 hours and 46 minutes with the main test sitting (reading, listening and writing) lasting 2 hours and 30 minutes in one continuous assessment session on the same day (with a short break in between each component). Speaking tests are scheduled between one and three days before or after the main test sitting.
One invigilator is assigned to, every 1 5 candidates, for reading, listening and writing sub skills with an additional invigilator to accompany candidates, in instances where they leaving the assessment room for any reason. The invigilator is also responsible for checking candidate identification and is always present for the duration of the assessment. Invigilators are also responsible for ensuring candidates have no unauthorised materials in the examination room.